Owner and founder of Consulting Dr. Klowait is Dr. Jürgen Klowait. Together with a number of highly qualified co-operation partners Consulting Dr. Klowait offers you a team with extensive management skills and proven consulting expertise.
Dr. jur. Jürgen Klowait
Long-term professional and management experience in the energy industry, in the plant- engineering and environmental sector, including as Corporate Counsel of RWE Entsorgung AG, General Counsel of E.ON Kernkraft GmbH and as General Manager („Prokurist“) and Compliance Officer of E.ON New Build & Technology GmbH.
Qualified Mediator (DAA – Deutsche Anwaltakademie) and Business Mediator (CfM, Centrale für Mediation)
Listed Arbitrator of the EACS – Energy Arbitration Center Switzerland
Certified European Business Coach
Numerous courses on professional, operational and management issues, including at Stanford University, United States (Change Management), IMD Business School, Lausanne, Switzerland (General Management), Cambridge University, England (English for Lawyers )
Admitted Attorney at Law since 1993
Co-Founder and initial Board Member of the Round Table Mediation & Conflict Management of the German Economy
Member of the European Executive Board of CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, New York, USA)
Assistant Professor („Lehrbeauftragter“) for conflict management in companies and organizations at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Numerous professional publications (focused on Alternative Dispute Resolution – ADR)
Co-editor of a legal commentary to the German Mediation Act
Member of the Editorial Board of the „Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement“ (Journal of Conflict Management, ZKM) and the online magazines
DeutscherAnwaltSpiegel and Dispute Resolution
Co-operation partners
The co-operation partners of Consulting Dr. Klowait are experienced experts and consultants who are available nationwide. If required, we can provide a solution that is tailored to your business needs in association with our partners at any time.